
Bruce Shapiro is Executive Director of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, a project of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism encouraging innovative reporting on violence, conflict and tragedy worldwide. An award-winning reporter on human rights, criminal justice and politics, Shapiro is a contributing editor at The Nation and U.S. correspondent for Late Night Live on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Radio National. He also teaches journalism ethics at Columbia, where he is Adjunct Professor and Senior Advisor for Academic Affairs. Shapiro's books include Shaking the Foundations: 200 Years of Investigative Journalism in America (Nation Books), Legal Lynching: The Death Penalty and America's Future (New Press/Doubleday) and Aftershock Journalism: The Revolution in Reporting on Violence (forthcoming from Columbia University Press). Shapiro is recipient of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Public Advocacy Award for "outstanding and fundamental contributions to the social understanding of trauma." He is a board member of the Global Investigative Journalism Network.