
Dr. Nikos Panagiotou is Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Media Communication, Aristotle University. He has been a DAAD Scholar at Deutsche Welle, Chevening Scholar of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK, RCAP Scholar from APU University Japan, Scholar to Beijing Foreign Studies University, Scholar at Sabanci University (Turkey), Scholar of the State of Luxembourg, He has an extensive research work which is currently funded from Google (DNI Initiative fund). He is the initiator and organizer of Thessaloniki International Media Summer Academy. He is a peer-reviewer at St. Antony’s International Review Oxford University, b) Journal of Culture and Society c) International Journal of Communication. He is in charge of Digital Communication Network Hub in Southeast Europe, member of the advisory board for Networking Knowledge, Member of the board of Municipal Company of Information, and Communication of Thessaloniki (2017-2019), member of Radicalization Awareness Network of European Union and member of International Relations Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has participated in a series of scientific researches, has published articles in International and Greek journals and in edited volumes. His research interests are upon: International Journalism, Audience Studies, Mass Media Literacy Conflict Analysis and Resolution.