
Oliver Vujovic
South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)

2015 - present Advisor International Institute - International Media Center (II-IMC)

2010 - present: Advisor South East and Central Europe PR Organisation (SECEPRO)

2000 - present: Secretary General of the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO)

2001-2004: Advisor for the Balkan Südosteuropäischer Dialog, magazine, Vienna and Kulturzentrum, Vienna

1999- 2001: Director of Balkan Südosteuropäischer Dialog, magazine, and Kulturzentrum, Vienna,

2000: Vujovic  founded Balkan Point - Independent SEE Research and News Service  on www.balkanpoint.org.

1998-1999: Product manager in Henkel CEE in the Vienna headquarter and responsible for marketing in the new founded company Henkel Yugoslavia (as Director).

1994-1997: Querleser Wien Correspondent for South East Europe.

1991- 2000: Correspondent of the Austrian daily Die Presse in Belgrade. The Belgrade Federal Minister of Information decided to recall his accreditation, and Oliver Vujovic reported between 1994 - 1997 from Skopje ( Macedonia) and Szeged (Hungary), also using the pseudonym David Fatschel.

1991 - Independent Consulter, Event Manager and  Business Researcher. Also independent advisor for Public Relations and Business Developments. Cooperation with companies in Austria, Germany,  Switzerland and in South East Europe.

1989 - 1991: Radio B 92, Belgrade

1988 - 1989: Index 202, Belgrade

1988 - 2000: Freelancer in South East Europe for media in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavian countries and UK. He published also articles in several print media in South East Europe.  Vujovic had in this period as journalist / correspondent over 400 interviews with leading  persons in South East Europe, and he published in total over  3500 different articles in print media.

He graduated economics (public relations). Today he works on his PhD.

Editor, co-editor,  author or co-author in  books, publications, research articles and magazines. He is  editor of the SEEMO Media Handbook (annual publication) and publisher of the De Scripto magazine. Some of publications were he was the editor are: Guide for Investigative Reporters, Investigative Reporting in SEE etc.