Fetisov Journalism Awards 2023

Second Prize

Category: Outstanding Investigative Reporting

The Hidden Casualties of Britain's War

Authors: Sanjana Varghese, Emma Graham-Harrison, Joe Dyke, Julia Nueno, Azul De Monte, Imogen Piper

Sanjana Varghese is an investigative journalist, open-source reporter and visual researcher focusing on conflict, technology and human rights. She is currently an investigator and policy lead at Airwars, where she investigates and reports on weapons, civilian harm, conflict and more. She holds an MA in Research Architecture, with a studio in Forensic Architecture, at Goldsmiths (London, UK, 2021).

Emma Graham-Harrison is a Senior International Affairs Correspondent for The Guardian and The Observer. She has covered conflicts including the current war in Ukraine, America’s invasion of Iraq and the years of violence that followed, Syria’s civil war, the coup in Zimbabwe that overthrew Robert Mugabe and the forgotten battle for Burundi. She has won multiple awards for her international reporting and investigative journalism.

Joe Dyke is an experienced journalist specialised in reporting on conflict. He worked for ten years in the Middle East, mostly for Agence France Presse (AFP). Since 2021, he has founded and led Airwars' Investigations and Accountability Unit, winning a 2022 Amnesty Media Award for an article he co-authored with Kaamil Ahmed in The Guardian.

Júlia Nueno Guitart is a visual researcher and engineer focused on the intersection between technology, data, and conflict. She is a Forensic Architecture PhD candidate, and holds an MA in Research Architecture at Goldsmiths (London, UK, 2022). She was the Visual Lead at Airwars, where she investigates, and develops open-source tools for assessing and geolocating civilian harm in conflict-affected countries.

Azul De Monte (she/they) is a visual artist, researcher, and designer. With a BA in Image and Sound Design from the University of Buenos Aires and an MA in Art Praxis from the Dutch Art Institute, Azul’s focus is on translating investigations into audiovisual forms that efficiently portray their processes and conclusions. Azul has been working with Airwars since November 2022.

Imogen Piper is Visual Forensics reporter at The Washington Post, where she specialises in open source research and using 3D modelling as an investigative tool. Before joining The Post, she worked as an investigator at conflict monitor Airwars. Imogen received her master's in Research Architecture from Goldsmiths University of London (London, UK, 2021) , where she was trained in visual investigative techniques by Forensic Architecture researchers.

The Hidden Casualties of Britain's War

The Hidden Casualties of Britain's War


March 21st, 2023

The original publication is available via the following link:


Lives torn apart by British airstrikes in Mosul give lie to UK’s ‘perfect’ precision war

The Guardian

March 21st, 2023

The original publication is available via the following link:


Only official civilian victim of UK’s bombing campaign against IS appears not to exist

The Guardian

April 4th, 2023

The original publication is available via the following link:
