Expert Council

Mr. Soe Myint is an award-winning Burmese journalist and a business owner who has worked in the media field since 1992 in different capacities including reporting, managing, and training. He founded Mizzima (derived from the Pali word for “middle” or “moderate”) in New Delhi, India, in 1998 together with Daw Thin Thin Aung.
With some 130 employees, Mizzima broadcasts and publishes independent news, information, and entertainment via two satellite Free-To-Air TV channels, SW and FM radio, websites, Facebook, YouTube, and Mizzima Application, reaching more than 30 million readers and viewers every day inside and outside Myanmar. Mizzima, with a 28% market share, is the most accessed and most trusted news outlet by the Myanmar public, according to national media survey conducted in March 2024 in Myanmar. Mizzima has also established the Mizzima Media Training Institute (MMTI) inside Myanmar to train the next generation of Myanmar media personnel.
Mizzima currently operates with established offices and registered entities in Myanmar, Thailand, India, Singapore, Cambodia, Australia, and the Czech Republic.
Mr. Soe Myint is a regular speaker and invited guest at forums on media in Myanmar. He was the 2022 Greeley Peace Scholar at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and recipient of the 2024 East-West Center Journalist of Courage and Impact Award. Mr. Soe Myint’s publications include the 2003 release “Burma File: A Question of Democracy”, as well as numerous articles in various periodicals.