Expert Council

Naranjargal Khashkhuu is a former television journalist, award-winning playwright and an Honorary Professor of the University of Arts and Culture of Mongolia. She is one of the founders and current President of Globe International Center (GIC), a Mongolian NGO.
She has a wide experience in promoting freedoms of expression, information and media, in advocacy and lobbying at local and international levels. She is a former member of the Executive Committee of the IFJ and Vice Chairperson of the UNESCO IPDC Bureau. She had spoken at more than 20 international conferences and events such as WPFD, IDUAI and others.
She has been lecturing for the journalism students of the Mongolian State University, University of Humanities, Diploma Course of Press Institute and School of Radio and Television. She has authored textbook on television journalism and has written numbers of articles and reports about free and independent media, media legal environment, specialized reoorting incuding human rights and gender and conducted hundredsof journalism trainings for the local journalists as well as the ABU gender training for the staffs of Almaty Branch of the Kazakhstan’s RTVC and community radio leaders of Kyrgyzstan.
Naranjargal Khashkhuu has been conducting Drama writing courses since 2005 and she is a member of the Artistic Board of the State Drama Theatre.